Sandals Red Lane Spa, St Lucia

Everything at Sandals comes in twos: deck chairs on the beach, champagne glasses at the bar and massage beds at the spa.

On our final morning in the Caribbean, we visited the Sandals Grande Spa, Red Lane for a very special joint massage. Catering entirely for couples and particularly honeymooners, this treatment is extremely romantic and thoughtful. We were a little cynical at first but it is impossible not to enjoy the experience, it is so relaxing with highly trained therapists releasing all the aches and pains.

Red Lane uses a variety of brands including the brilliant Dermologica skincare range which I love. After changing into the warm robes, we were given three oils to smell and asked to choose the aroma we were most attracted to. I chose the vibrant and rich tension oil.

Once we were face down on the beds, the Sandals therapists worked their magic massaging our whole bodies paying particular attention to troublesome areas. It was one of the best massages I’ve ever had, soothing and completely relaxing. At the end of the massage our hands were linked together, I found this hilarious, but I can imagine it is a sweet touch for newlyweds. The room was attractively decorated with petals and heart shaped towels, very cosy and comforting and the perfect room to encourage relaxation.

After the treatment guests are encouraged to use the other amenities and equipment. We visited the steam rooms, but found they weren’t quite hot enough. Showered and dressed, I felt refreshed and energised, ready for the day ahead. There is so much to do at Sandals Grande but I would highly recommend Red Lane Spa, the most relaxing place on site, it will truly get you in the holiday mood.

If you are feeling extra lazy, treatments can be arranged in the comfort of your own room.

More information on Sandals Red Lane Spa here.

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