If you watched the first episode of ‘Made in Chelsea,’ you will have seen NEVILLE hairdressers featured… yes, it’s where Ollie bravely had his glossy locks chopped off.
This boutique has become the destination salon in Central London. It is located perfectly on Pont Street – it would be easy to spend the whole day at Neville, this beauty emporium has everything you need for head to toe pampering. I was lucky enough to be a Chelsea ‘it’ girl for the morning visiting Neville for a colour, cut and blow dry.
The salon exterior says it all: stylish and glamorous with a touch of vintage charm. I love the decor, a sparkling shimmering black with plush seats and the latest magazines lining every wall. I was taken downstairs with Donald, my colourist for the day. We chatted briefly about my lack-lustre hue and decided to take the colour a shade darker for winter with a few subtle highlights round the parting and face for volume and to ensure the colour looked natural. I’m used to sitting in the chair for hours while foils and brushes are used relentlessly on my hair. Donald worked super-fast, efficiently getting the job done within the hour. After a bit of heat, there was no need for adjusting or toning down, the colour was just right. After an invigorating hair wash, Donald kindly arranged for me to have my eyebrows threaded and shaped with the wonderful new beautician located on the lower floor. As well as threading, manicures and pedicures are available.
Upstairs is where the action really takes place… Neville specialises in BIG blow dries, which is evident immediately when you walk into the salon. Long manes of wavy backcombed hair fill every seat, I felt a bit out of place with my rather less impressive short hair. Dayne did his best to make me fit in, minimally trimming my hair, to give a sharp long bob with no layers, and then blowdrying to the extreme, to give maximum shape and volume. I left the salon feeler lighter than ever, with a striking hairstyle ready for autumn.
On my way out I had a chat with star reflexologist Paolo about reviewing his miraculous treatments, so watch out for more from Neville soon!
More information here.